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Crazy "Reply to clipboard" request

Posted: 23 Mar 2005, 00:00
by Darkbee
Here is a nice crazy request for you, when you have too much time on your hands and nothing better to do...

I would like a feature that, when I select an email and right click (or use tools menu) I will have an option to copy the message body to the clipboard BUT in the form of a reply. In otherwords:

> on such and such a date
> Mr blah de blah said:
> Subject: crazy request
> It would be really great if we achieved world peace

I realize that this is NOT an essential feature and understand if you don't want to bloat Popman with such unecessary features.

Maybe a "Copy All to Clipboard" option isn't as crazy. No reply separators ( > ) but just copy all of the body text to the clipboard with one click of a button.