I found a little problem with the main toolbar in that it is not the same shade of grey as the background and when the icon is hidden(?) it is a full box not just a shaded icon. I and using windows 2000.
I made a slight change to your toolbar.bmp and ended up with this
you can download the change from here
I hope you dont mind the changes.
EDIT - Images removed as they are no longer on my server
Last edited by paulba on 30 Aug 2005, 13:52, edited 1 time in total.
I'm glad you like it.
Thanks. I know and mentioned about that HERE. I use different color for my windows that's why it happen. In last package I put toolbar.bmp with deafult gray background.
Last edited by abe on 05 Oct 2007, 07:50, edited 1 time in total.
Nice theme! I like it, but you've made a little mistake: The icons for the main window and the message window are called "MainWindow.ico" and "MessageWindow.ico", not "PopMan.ico" and "Message.ico".
Maybe you can also change the message window icon: The border is too light for the blue background of the window title.
Regarding the toolbar Bitmap: PopMan uses the color of the leftmost bottom pixel as the background color. All pixels in the bitmap that have the same color are replaced with the system background color (which may be different from system to system). But until now this only works for bitmaps with up to 256 colors (8 Bit). Since your toolbar bitmap is a 24 bit color bitmap, the background color is not properly adjusted to the system color. But you can save the toolbar bitmap with 8 bit color depth, as Paul did, because there are only 253 colors used.
I think, I will make PopMan accept 24 bit color bitmaps too with Beta 11 (your upcoming Qute theme seems to use lots of colors!). Maybe I will also add the possibility to use a "toolbarDisabled.bmp" bitmap, that contains all the icons used for disabled toolbar buttons. The windows standard way of graying out the icons looks a bit ugly, ecspecially for high color icons...
Thx for explanation. All bugs fixed. By the way Christian you should change the name of this two ico files in your PopmanDeafaultTheme.zip
There are icons called Popman.ico and Message.ico
Toolbar.bmp now in 8bit depth.
I added toolbarDisabled.bmp file so theme is compatibile with this option if it will be implement