PopMan 1.3 Beta 14 released

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PopMan 1.3 Beta 14 released

Post by Christian »

(-) Accounts may not be autochecked immediately when autocheck had been impossible for more than 59 minutes
(*) On PopMan startup all accounts are assumed to not have been checked since 24 hours (to trigger immediate autocheck)
(+) IMAP4 plugin: Added new default option "Expunge" which will delete all deleted messages (not just flag as deleted)
(-) IMAP4 plugin: Connecting to Compuserve IMAP server fails
(+) Added Danish translation (thanks to Dan Sørensen)
(+) Added Swedish translation (thanks to Karin Andersson)
(+) Added Russian translation (thanks to Nikita)
(+) Added Hungarian translation (thanks to Fikar Bela)
(*) Reply to mail with MAPI does not block PopMan anymore
(*) Performance improvement when loading or saving large emails from POP3 accounts
(-) Maximized state of main window is preserved when restoring from tray and when terminating
(-) When replying with MAPI, the type of the mail is not correctly set to internet mail (SMTP) in Outlook (thanks to Simon Hyland)
(*) Third party software (e.g. ObjectDock docklet) can retrieve more PopMan state information, e.g. AutoCheck, Bussy state, Tray icon ID (thanks to Simon Hyland)
(+) Added new account option "Load small emails completely" which is helpful for K9 spam filtering (thanks to Simon Hyland)
(-) UTF8 encoded mails are not displayed correctly if the Windows charset is not West European
(-) Long subjects may contain additional spaces when wrapped over several lines in mail source
(*) Source code updates to support Visual C++ 2003 compiler (thanks to Simon Hyland)
(*) About dialog: Added link to PopMan forum; MainWindow icon of the current theme is displayed
(*) Double-Click selects entire word in text view
(*) Enabled double-buffering in mail list view on Win XP to avoid flickering
(+) New default option "View > Move Marked Messages to Trash Tab"
(+) Added new default logging option "Only log compact mail info instead of entire data traffic"
(-) Rules: Search for non-ASCII characters (e.g. German umlaut) is case sensitive
(+) Rules: Extended syntax to check for empty strings, e.g.: Subject is empty -> MarkForDelete
(+) Rules: "Whole word only" search possible by using single quotes, e.g.: Message contains 'Christian' -> ...
(+) Rules: Account specific rules possible, e.g.: [Account="Private"] RULE
(+) Rules: Rules can be named, e.g.: [Name="Spam", Account="Private"] RULE
(+) Rules: Regular Expression search possible, e.g: Message contains regex:"[Vv]+.?[Ii1]+.?[aA@]+.?[gG]+.?[rR]+.?[aA@]" -> ...
(+) Rules: Define arbitrary strings and lists of strings that can be referenced in rules by name
(+) Rules: Extended syntax for compact rules, e.g.: Subject+Message+To contains any of BadWords -> ...
(+) Rules: Add a new item to a Rules list with the help of a special dialog (F9) in main and message window
(+) Rules: New log file "RuleLogFile.log" contains information for every mail that has been treated by a rule
(+) Rules: New columh "Rules" available in mail list view that shows the name of the rules that applied to each mail
(+) Rules: Tooltip with detailed information about the applied rules is shown in "Rules" column

As you can see, this update brings a lot of new features concerning "Rules". To get the feeling have a look at the ExampleRules.txt that comes with this version. It is quite self-explanatory but I have updated the description of the Rules feature too.

The following screenshot shows the Rules column and tooltip that tell what rules have been applied and why:

Christian Hübner
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Message contains regex:

Post by tengvilla »

Hi Christian,

I'm loss with your example below. Can you please elaborate and give more example.

"Search for regular expressions by prepending "regex:" to a string, e.g."

"Message contains regex:"[Pp]+.?[Ii1]+.?[Ll1]+.?[lL1]+.?[sS\$]" -> ..."

Thanks in advance.
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Post by Christian »

I guess you know what a "regular expression" is, if not see:


In order to be able to use regular expressions with PopMan's rules, I had to introduce a certain syntax that denotes a string as a regular expression. Double quotes are used for plain strings, while single quotes are used for "word search". Therefore I decided that one has to prepend a regex: to a double quoted string.

"string" -> string is an arbitrary string
'string' -> string is a word
regex: "string" -> string is a regular expression

Spammers often hide traitorous words by using similar looking strings (e.g. V1@gr@) in order to fool spam detection software. With the help of regular expressions you can now specify a pattern that matches such obfuscateted spam words. There are examples given in the example rules file.
Christian Hübner
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Post by Tommy »

greta new beta.

i have some questions:

1. how do u activate the F9 option? i click F9 but nothing happens.

2. how do u create a "WHITE-LIST" ?
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Post by Christian »

How do you activate the F9 option? I click F9 but nothing happens
The menu item "Add item to Rules list F9" is disabled when there is no rules list defined in the rules file. So you first have to add a new list definition (with at least one entry) like this:

define list BADWORDS = {''viagra"}

Save the rules file and check at least one account (so the rules file gets reloaded). Then the "Add item to Rules list F9" will be available.

Of course you have to use the defined list anywhere in your rules to be of any sense. See the example rules file or the Rules HowTo. In the simplest case you could write something like this:

Subject+Message+From+To contains any of BADWORDS -> MarkforDelete, NotNew, Read
How do u create a "WHITE-LIST" ?
There is no built-in white list yet but when using rules you can define your own:

define list WhiteList = {'first@mail.com', 'second@mail.com'}

Subject+Message+From+To contains any of BADWORDS AND
From contains none of WhiteList
-> MarkforDelete, NotNew, Read

Nevertheless, I will add a "real" WhiteList feature soon...
Christian Hübner
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Post by tengvilla »

Hi Christian,

We're getting technical here.

Besides "* = asterisk", "+ = plus sign ", "? = question mark" in "regex" (Regular Expression), are there any other syntax regular expression applies like "^", "$ = dollar sign", ". = period", etc or only the syntax regular expression you had created.

I knew you have created "user defined syntax file", but I admit this one is too technical for me. :oops:

This is really a powerful tools to know to catch the spam words when you have the "regex" in place.
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Post by Christian »

I'm not quite sure what you mean. PopMan implements regular expressions by using the open source C++ library Boost, which has all of common regular expressions, as far as I know.

How to use a user-defined language file is described on the Notepad++ homepage under User Defined Language files.
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Post by tengvilla »

Sorry for the confusion. What I meant is the "Traditional Unix regular expressions" which I'm more familiar with and if this regular expressions applies to Popman Rules.

* Character to the left of asterisk in the expression should match 0 or more times.
+ Character to the left of plus sign in the expression should match 1 or more times.
? Character to the left of question mark in the expression should match 0 or 1 time.

. Matches any character.
| Either expression on its left and right side matches the target string.
[] Any of the enclosed characters may match the target character.
[^] None of the enclosed characters may match the target character.
^ Expression to the right of ^ matches only when it is at the beginning of line.
$ Expression to the left of $ matches only when it is at the end of line.
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Post by Christian »

Yes, you can call it "Traditional Unix regular expressions" which may have some extensions. Just keep on the RegEx HowTos that you find everywhere on the Internet.
Christian Hübner
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