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Better names in tab context menus

Posted: 22 Mar 2005, 14:20
by CyGho
In the context menu for joined tabs I see Remove account> account list. I was playing with joining tabs and confused if that would remove the selected account totaly. Well it wasn't :). I think it should be less confusing to rename that to Split Account > account list.

IF you change this then maybe also renaming Split tab to Split all Accounts to make it more clear.

Thx in advance

Posted: 22 Mar 2005, 17:57
by Christian
I admit Remove account is a bit confusing but Split account doesn't satisfy me either, because the command does not split the selected account, instead it removes the account from the tab and generates a new tab associated with the removed account.

Maybe Split-off account in the meaning of the German "Konto abspalten" is more suitable. But according to, "abspalten" translates to"chip", "demerge" or "separate"?! Maybe someone with native English tongue can give my a hint...

Posted: 22 Mar 2005, 22:39
by CyGho
Ok, makes sense to me. I'm dutch but gonna give it a shot :) I looked up the dutch word delen. In english it says share, divide, separate. In german it will be verteilen, gliedern, einteilen, teilen, dividieren or zerlegen according to ... oord=delen.
So separate could be a nice one maybe :?:
Separate All instead of the current Split tab sounds also good.

Posted: 22 Mar 2005, 23:34
by Darkbee
I think that:

separate account ->


separate all

are good choices. Maybe, "All" should appear under the Separate Account sub menu.

Otherwise you could use "release account"? Or perhaps something completely different like "New Tab From"?

I don't think that share, divide or chip quite capture the essence, in English, of what the function is used for. Maybe "demerge" but it's not a very common English word (might work if you have "merge with tab" instead of "join with tab")

I'll think on it some more, I might have a moment of pure genius :idea: :lol: